Due to Civil Code §4041, homeowners need to verify their Mailing Address(es) annually.

In the Management App, you can easily see if a Unit is up-to-date on the Unit Information tab.

Not Received


Any addresses provided will be listed above.

Homeowner Steps

Homeowners have the option of updating their Mailing Address(es) physically or digitally.

If a Homeowner returns a physical form, please skip below to the Team Member Steps section to see what is done once the form is received.

A Homeowner can digitally update their information when they log into VIVO.

If the Homeowners Civil Code is still set as Not Received, the homeowner will receive the below prompt when they log into VIVO.

When they click Update, they will be take to a page where they can provide/update their Primary Mailing Address, Secondary Mailing Address, and Provide a Legal Contact.

They can select the Use Unit Address box to use the Unit Address as the Mailing Address for Primary or Secondary.

At the end of the form, the Homeowner will Validate the Address(es). This will help address formatting be the same for all units, as this is verified with the USPS.

Once they click Validate Address, they will be taken to a page to Confirm Changes or they will see any addresses with errors in the Validation and will need to go back and Edit that address.

Before Confirming Changes, they are to notate the Unit Occupancy type

When the window refreshes, they will see the Address information listed on VIVO.

They will also receive and email from No Reply stating what changes were made


Team Member Steps

When a Homeowner returns a completed form, updates are to be made in the Management App.

Look up the Homeowner under Resident Search and click on the Property Address (this should take you to the Unit Information tab).

On the Unit Information tab, click the Edit button next to Primary Mailing Address

In the window that pops up, enter the information provided by the Homeowner for Primary Address, Secondary Mailing Address, and Legal Contact.

“Check” the Received box under Civil Code §4041.

The Received Date will default to today’s date, but you can adjust it if there was a delay in entering it from when it was received.


Sending Annual Notice Email Notification

On the Unit Information tab, if the Civil Code Form field is noted as Not Received, you will have an option to Send Annual Notice Email Notification

Clicking on this button will open up a window letting you see the content of the email.

The email will be sent to the email address listed for the Primary Owner

By clicking on the Update button, they will be taken to an Address Verification page (this will NOT require them to log in)

They will then receive an email with verification of their changes.

Association Civil Code §4041 Status

In the Management App, pull up the Association in the Association Search.

Click on the Reports tab.

You will then see an Overview for the amount of Addresses that have been updated

Under Basic Report, you will be able to see quick numbers on how many units are still missing their updated address.

Under Form Status and Notification Status, you can select certain filter options, and then click Get Report

By clicking the checkbox next to an individual unit (you can select one, multiple, or all), you can then click the Send Annual Notice Email Notification and it will send the Email Notification to all selected units.

Civil Code §4041 Process
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