Each Resident can have an unlimited number of Phone Numbers and Email Addresses.

To add either contact method, click the green plus sign next to the type of Contact Method you want to add

When adding a Phone Number, you will see a dropdown and Label Options and the ability to add a custom Label (for the type of phone number) and then you can add the phone number and the Priority (what order the phone numbers should be called in).

If your association uses Packages, when you will see the option to be opted in for Package Notifications.

When adding an Email Address, you can change the Label to clarify what type of an Email Address, but that is not necessary. You can then add the email address and the Priority (what order the email addresses should be contacted) and choose to opt that specific email address out of Mass eMails. The checkbox for eStatements can only be modified through the Manage eStatements option on the Accounting > Information tab.

If your association uses Packages, when you will see the option to be opted in for Package Notifications.

When viewing all Contact Methods, you can easily spot what method is used for Package Notifications and Mass eMails. You can opt a contact Method out of those by clicking edit and unchecking the corresponding checkbox.

Resident Contact Methods
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