Any Resident with a Resident Portal account will be able to view their open/closed violation history by logging into their account and selecting the Violations tab.

  • They will be able to see the Type of violation, when it was created, when it is due, the description, and any notes or historical letters previously sent.
  • They will also be able to click on “Respond” to the violation.

  • When a homeowner responds to a violation, their response will appear in your Violation History on the Violation page.

  • You will receive an email that there has been a response for the open violation. You can then either contact the resident regarding their response, or follow-up at a later time.
  • You should also add a “Note” to the violation page of your correspondence/response to the owner.

  • You will have to make sure you are already logged into SnapHOA before clicking on “View Violation”. Otherwise, you will display the incorrect violation page below (blue background).



SnapHOA Violations – Resident Portal Responses
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