Before sending out a “Hearing Notice” letter, you must first create a Hearing Date in your “Hearing Management” tab. Manually create each Hearing Meeting in SnapHOA whenever you create a Board Meeting in Management App Association Meetings.

1. Navigate to “Hearing Management” on your left side-bar.

2. Click on “+ New Hearing”

3. Select a Hearing Date, Hearing Time, Location of Hearing, and any applicable details (Hearing Time will be for when the hearing STARTS).

3. Now, when you create a new hearing letter, you will be able to select from any hearing dates that were created in your “Hearing Management” tab. This makes it easy for when you want to generate Hearing Reports. (This date will automatically pull onto your generated letters)

4. Use this format for the details if it will be a Zoom Meeting:

  • Link:
    Meeting ID: 917 675 016 44
    Password: 897158

5. Preparing Hearing Report.

  • Download: Download PDF report from SnapHOA
  • Recommendations:
    • OR
      • Open PDF in CudePDF, then use Typewriter tool to add recommendations.
  • Directors Report:
    • Manager needs to add document into their directors report.

6. After Hearing Meeting.

  • Note the Board’s decisions on the Hearing Report.
    • If Assistant helping: route Hearing Report with decisions to them (or assign through the ActionList)
  • Manager/Assistant generate Decision Letters in SnapHOA.
  • Manager/Assistant charge/credit residents (if applicable) through the Management App Account Adjustment Tool.
SnapHOA Violations – Hearings
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